6483 W 580 N Otwell, IN 47564
812-482-7623 • stjohnsboonetwp@gmail.com

10 a.m.(EST) Worship Service

Paula Mann, Administrative Assistant
Paula Mann is a life-long member of St. John’s Lutheran
Church.  She has been our Administrative Assistant since
June 2011 and works hard to get the Bulletins, Newsletters
and anything else our congregation needs done.
Paula enjoys working out and watching sports.

Church Council Members
Larry Harris, President
Lisa Cundiff, Vice President
Joann Schnarr, Treasurer
Jada Maxwell, Secretary
Steve Meyer, Facilities Team
Janel Verkamp, Parish Life Team
Terry Stemle, Outreach Team
Marlene Eck, Worship Team
Diann Zehr,Education Team